Hunter Biden Is Now a Convicted Felon, Too, And Dems Are Thrilled 

Andrew Leyden /
Andrew Leyden /

It’s been a year of historic firsts in the courtroom. Donald Trump, the first-ever former President to be convicted of a “felony,” now shares his spotlight with Hunter Biden, the first child of a sitting President to face the same fate.  

And secretly, Dems couldn’t be happier. 

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of all three of the firearms felony charges levied against him – two for lying about drug use on an application to purchase a firearm and the third for unlawfully possessing a firearm while under the influence of controlled substances. He could face up to 25 years in prison. 

Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden, testified that her brother-in-law, Hunter Biden, introduced her to drugs. She also reviewed a series of text messages from the days following his gun purchase on October 12, 2018. In one message, Hunter mentioned waiting for a dealer named Mookie behind a baseball stadium in Wilmington. Later, Hallie texted Hunter, saying she had tried calling him many times in the past 24 hours. Hunter eventually replied that he had been sleeping in a car and smoking crack on 4th Street and Rodney. 

Hallie Biden testified that she found Hunter Biden’s gun in his car 11 days after he bought it. Worried their kids might find it, she put the gun in a leather case and threw it into a grocery store trash can. Edward Banner, an 80-year-old retiree who scavenges for aluminum cans, found Hunter Biden’s gun outside Janssen’s Market in Greenville.  

Forensic chemist Jason Brewer testified that he discovered cocaine residue on the leather pouch containing Hunter Biden’s gun. He found a minimal amount of off-white powder in two spots on the pouch and confirmed to the jury that cocaine was identified in the sampled particles. 

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, contended that prosecutors failed to prove that Biden intentionally lied about his drug use on a federal background check form in October 2018 to purchase a gun. Lowell challenged the prosecution’s claims that Biden was an active drug user at that time, suggesting Biden did not view himself as such and that the form’s wording allowed for his denial. In his closing argument, Lowell criticized the prosecution for using excerpts from Biden’s 2021 book on his addiction without proper context, arguing it was unfair to do so. 

Jurors disagreed and found Hunter Biden guilty of all charges. Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine at sentencing, although he is likely to receive a much lighter sentence as a first-time offender. The judge mentioned that sentencing typically occurs 120 days after the verdict, so Hunter will likely be sentenced before Election Day. 

Democrats are pleased that Biden was found guilty. To them, it means that Trump can no longer claim his conviction was politically motivated. But Hunter Biden is also arguing that his legal woes are politically motivated and due to overzealous prosecutors “caving” to Republican pressure.  

Jennifer Lawless, a professor of politics, explains that Trump’s argument is invalid because it was the Biden Justice Department that prosecuted and convicted the president’s son. That is the talking point media outlets and Democratic lawmakers have been using and will continue to hammer home. 

But they miss the bigger point. Just because Hunter was convicted doesn’t mean that Trump’s trials are not politically motivated. One has nothing to do with the other. Unlike Trump’s hush money trial, Hunter Biden knew what he was being charged with, a detail that many still don’t understand with Trump’s conviction. Additionally, Hunter Biden’s case was proven through direct evidence from his book and eyewitness testimony. The guilty verdict was reached without conflicting and confusing jury instructions by a judge who appeared to favor the prosecution. Hunter was unanimously found guilty of his charges as required by the Constitution.  

And Hunter’s case was a clear-cut felony, not a misdemeanor elevated to felony status by overeager prosecutors. Additionally, Biden’s trial was held in Delaware, a state where he had a chance at a fair verdict. 

The trials, while having a similar outcome, couldn’t have been any different. And, despite what Democrats have decided Americans should believe about both cases, Hunter’s guilty verdict proves nothing except that he was guilty. The left doesn’t care about collateral damage as long as they can wield it against Trump.