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Harris’s Support of Minnesota Freedom Fund Comes Back to Haunt Her 

At a campaign event on Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris, who is expected to be the Democratic nominee for president, talked about her past...

South Korea’s Mind Control Technology: A New Era of Fear?

Forget about science fiction—South Korea has taken mind control from the realm of movies and dumped it into the lab. Researchers at Korea’s Institute...

Shocking! USPS Exposed for Handing Over Your Address to Meta and LinkedIn

Ever get the feeling digital ads know what you're whispering at home or even thinking? Well, buckle up because here's a juicy tidbit. An investigation...

Top GOP Leaders Push for Biden’s Resignation

Several Republicans jumped at the chance to demand President Joe Biden's immediate resignation after he announced that he won't run for re-election. They argue...

Biden Advisors Threaten Violence if Any Staffers Leak about the Dementia

Joe Biden’s inner circle of advisors is threatening to “beat the sh*t out” of any White House staffers who leak to the press about...

Trump Assassination Attempt: Secret Service Points Fingers, Police Fire Back

In a classic deflection move, the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) is already pointing fingers at the local police. A Secret Service spokesperson reportedly admitted...

Facebook Frees Trump: Watch Out, Biden

In a long-awaited move that will still send ripples through the political landscape, Facebook lifted the remaining restrictions on Donald J. Trump, putting him...


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One of the hardest-hitting news sources of the 21st Century, Tea Party Daily’s mission is simple: identify and analyze the news that highlights the conservative mindset in order to keep our subscribers informed and in the know. We follow the old adage that information is key. Good, old-fashioned research and common sense may be gone from mainstream media – but we believe Tea Party Daily can be that port in the storm.

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