WI Parents Pull Their Girls From Sports After Learning Boys Would Be Playing With Them

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As students settle back in for the 2023-2024 school year, residents in the Green Bay, WI school district now have at least one transgender person attempting to play on a woman’s sports team this year. For many parents and students, this is a concern for the safety and well-being of their daughters.

Meeting privately with a small group of 40 to 50 parents and students, the school provided them with the liberal playbook of answers.

Ryan Guisck spoke with Green Bay’s Fox 11 about the meeting. “We were hoping to hear a little bit more of both sides of the compass, but it was really one-sided: this is the WIAA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association), this is Title IX if the girls have issues, they can find counseling and life goes on. The girls are just kind of fed-up hearing that your safety is our top concern from all these people, and they’re really doing nothing about it.”

With the district allowing students to choose the bathroom and locker room they feel most comfortable with, they are concerned about many factors, not to mention the physical risks of injury.  For many in attendance, this sounds like a concern that is not being taken seriously at all; instead, it’s outright being ignored, in their opinion.

From the school board’s end, they believe they are following a 2015 three-page directive from the WIAA to the letter. As the guide reads, “a student’s member school will be the point of contact for determining the student’s eligibility to participate in WIAA sponsored interscholastic athletics… a male-to-female transgender student must have one calendar year of medically documented testosterone suppression therapy to be eligible to participate on a female team.”

This directive openly states that it is up to the district to make the decision, and they have the final say. Green Bay has the choice to make this student play on the proper team and to compete as genetics determined they needed to. This idea of shuffling off to the women’s sports so you can be competitive is a joke at best.

With some supporters who came to voice their opinions and to hear the ruling, they claimed they wanted to support this person and believe that it’s not people disliking the trans student, but more hating the WIAA’s laws and ways of writing things. They’re right too.

People have been petitioning for this change because they want to see these natural women compete on an even playing field. Despite WIAA’s thought to the contrary, this is the kind of situation where even after a year of testosterone suppression, the bones, growth plates, and muscle density are vastly different in someone born male who has gone through or even started puberty.

Contrary to liberal belief, this isn’t hatred, disrespect, or invalidation. Instead, this is fair treatment for these natural women. This is ensuring decades of women’s marches and struggles don’t get flipped and turned upside down by males who couldn’t hack it as men. Considering how their involvement makes scholarship offers and opportunities for excellence in the competition are suddenly going to these men, it’s criminal.

The risk of locker room problems is huge. In a city like Green Bay, it’s ultimately easy for a star to emerge and be on the varsity team at 14. Putting a full man in a locker room with her and telling her it’s okay if both of them are naked at once is criminal. The risk of someone exposing themselves to her or putting her in an uncomfortable situation is massive.

Someone’s childhood isn’t something they should have to worry about having stolen because people have mental health problems. This is turning into an all-out assault on women, and for no other reason than some males just aren’t cut to be men.