If a democratic socialist elected as councilwoman has her way, you’ll be paying a race-based tax as levied by the business improvement districts. Candi CdeBaca is in the midst of her reelection campaign is now pushing to have whites pay this tax simply for owning a business.
Per the U.S. Department of Transportation, these business improvement districts are managed by the local business owners, residents, and of course government officials. With their ability to level incremental tax increases, the group then spreads the money collected across a specific geographic area.
Speaking to the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance, as reported by 9 News CdeBaca told them “Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labor, and stolen resources. You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led businesses all over the city and redistributing them to black and brown-owned businesses.” While taxes based upon skin color are illegal, this misguided 37-year-old claimed they would be “voluntary,” and as such not illegal.
However, the Denver Department of Finance says this isn’t quite right.
Per spokesman, Courtney Meihls says this councilwoman might want to double-check her facts. “Non-residentially assessed property owners within the BID are required to pay the additional taxes/fees. It’s not voluntary.”
As a result of her campaign to tax based on race, CdeBaca’s speech has become somewhat famous on social media, with her team claiming she is being targeted. In their mindset, a white nationalist movement is trying to muzzle innocent people and target minorities as they poke holes in her attempts to use logic and her plethora of misinformation.
Yet what she and other liberals fail to recognize is the fact that there is also a massive amount of whites who are experiencing similar levels of poverty. With the Appalachian Regional Commission classifying 38.1% of Appalachia counties as economically distressed and given their massive white population percentage, it’s time the liberals drop this narrative.
Unlike the urban blacks so many leftists love to parade around, the people in the rural parts of the Appalachian Mountains don’t have things like museums, zoos, or culture in their area. There are little to no opportunities to get to the city to experience them either, and they suffer massive economic distress as a result. As per the National Library of Medicine’s paper on the subject, they are also more geographically isolated have little to no public transportation, and face significant struggles in getting proper medical screenings or doctors to do them.
What makes CdeBaca’s suggestion so odd and preposterous is where she got the idea in the first place. Since 2015 the San Francisco Legacy Business Program has taken in and redistributed funds into underserved communities. While charity is always a nice endeavor, and providing a handout to the less fortunate is a good thing, it shouldn’t be by force, and San Francisco isn’t taxing only white businesses.
The one thing the liberals in this country cannot seem to grasp is that you cannot bring up the bottom by dragging down the middle. Policies like the ones CdeBaca is suggesting and was influenced by only serve to drag down middle-class business owners. Not doing enough business to relocate to a posher location and doing too well to get government-subsidized space to operate, they are stuck.
Unfortunately, taxes people like CdeBaca wants to levy only serve to create a disparity, with people racing to the bottom on their books so they look less and less profitable. The worse a business does, the less they are being taxed, and in her mind, if they are a minority, they would be benefitting extensively from this.
If she wants to make a difference, she can start by dropping the race card. It’s not only getting worn out from being played too much but the effectiveness is also gone when everything under the sun has somehow become racist and hateful. Perhaps we can try the work hard to live well card? It’s rare, but it still works after all these years.