Four Times the Venue’s Capacity Tried to Get into Kari Lake’s “Save Arizona” Rally

lev radin /
lev radin /

Liberal leftists and newly elected Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs would love for you to believe that US elections are indeed safe and secure. But it’s clear by the number of people who recently showed up to support Hobbs’ opposition that America isn’t buying it.

If you haven’t heard, Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake isn’t giving up on her quest for the governor’s mansion. And no, it’s just because she didn’t get her way.

Instead, she stands with thousands, including a good number of Democrats, who agree that the 2022 elections in Maricopa County, the most densely populated in the state, were an absolute nightmare and a joke. And so, Lake is fighting the results in court.

To gather support in the hopes that her evidence will prove her case and allow a second election to take place, she’s been holding “Save Arizona” rallies throughout the state. That latest of which took place on Sunday night at the Orange Tree golf resort in Scottdale.

According to Lake, they booked the biggest room available. And yet, according to both data and images from the event, it was not nearly big enough to house all those who came out to listen to Lake and show their support for her cause.

In fact, four times the capacity allowed for the room showed up, with literally hundreds forced to stand outside and in hallways.

As she said from the stage in the packed room, “I didn’t think we’d have this many people show up. We would have gotten a bigger room.” She went on to explain that she was one grateful and two sorry for those who couldn’t physically make it into the room. She also apologized to those the fire marshal had to remove from the room due to the overwhelming number of those already in the room.

For those who didn’t hear her immediate comments, Lake went outside after the event to speak to the hundreds still waiting there.

I mean, just check out these lines of people waiting to get in.

The event also had some big-name support.

While he was not there in person, former President Donald Trump did call into the event, telling the audience how honored he was to support Lake in her cause and how dismayed he was at what had happened on election day in 2022 in Maricopa County.

Like Trump, Lake believes she was cheated out of her rightful seat. Again, it’s not because she thinks she deserves it or anything. But because according to all the evidence, she should have won. And yet, somehow, Hobbs did.

According to the evidence and liberal County Record Stephen Richer and the board of supervisors Chairman Bill Gates, there were problems with voting tabulators and printers early on election day. As Gates said, “about 20 percent” of the 223 polling sites in the county saw these issues. However, later it was admitted by the county that closer to one-third, or about 70 sites, had problems.

But even that isn’t all that close to reality.

According to Republican National Committee lawyer Mark Sonnenklar, his team spent election day in Maricopa country, traveling from site to site to verify these problems. What he found was a whopping 132 locations, or 59 percent, with difficulties.

The main problem, as mentioned before, exists in two parts. First voting printers were later determined to have been incorrectly configured, continuously printing an image on the ballot that the voting tabulators could not read.

Therefore, the tabulators kept spitting out what would have been perfectly good ballots and not allowing them to be counted, or at least not as usual.

As cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh says, the misconfiguration could NOT have been accidental. And looking at the “heat map” for the region (which was posted at the Maricopa County Tabulation & Election Center), it’s clear that only voting machines in primarily Republican-held areas were affected.

Odd, huh?

As Lake says, it’s looking more and more like a “targeted attack on Republican voters.” And she intends to prove it. It looks like she won’t have any lack of supporters.