Dem Claims Election Fraud in His Own Party

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With so many on the political right claiming election fraud and voter interference, it would be easy to believe the matter is a political one. But what about when the Democrats start complaining of the same thing and against their own?

This is precisely what just happened in Hinds County, Mississippi, where Supervisor David Archie is calling for the resignation of the chairwoman of the Democratic Executive Committee, Jacqueline Amos.

According to Archie, Amos interfered with the primary election in Hinds County to ensure his opponent, Anthony Smith, won. He claims proof that she tampered with election results by handling ballot boxes and putting thumb drives and ballots into voting machines.

And he’s got the video footage to back it up.

“We have videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, and bringing in ballots to be inserted into machines…There’s a lot of fraud going in Hinds County politics.”

And he’s not the only one saying things didn’t go as they should have for the August 8 primaries.

A resident of Yazoo City, Cynthia Walker, says that she assisted with recounting votes in her county.

She noted that there are certain safeguards that the voting machines come with. One is using paper ballots to be scanned as they are turned in. Another are machine tapes and media sticks, which are devices that record the total number of votes cast for each candidate in every race on the ballot.

But Walker says neither safeguard was used during the recent elections.

In fact, “26 out of 26 precincts did not include the tapes. We don’t know how many votes took place because all we have are the paper ballots.”

Additionally, she reported that the media sticks were not handled appropriately. They should have been sent to a vault at the Hinds County Circuit Clerk’s Office. Instead, they were found back at election commission headquarters and not all secure.

Of course, seeing as Dems pretty much run city polling sites, it’s unlikely that any of this will be considered. Like all other cases, it’ll be swept under the rug to preserve the narrative that voter fraud doesn’t exist…