The newly elected mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, wants people to believe that Chicago is a welcoming city. The Windy City doesn’t just believe people should just blow through, but rather that they feel welcomed in the city he lords over. Yet now he wants to fine bus companies for bringing the illegal immigrants the border patrol keeps setting free that need someplace to go.
Hanging on to their status as a “Sanctuary City,” Johnson and liberals like him believe in the idea of the American dream. They want it to be provided to everyone; regardless of how many laws they broke to get here. Working with allies on the suddenly recused city council, they passed restrictions on the bus companies bringing them to Chicago. Peppering the 55 companies with lawsuits and a total of 77 with fines and restrictions, he claimed they had gone rogue.
Cassio Mendoza is his latest puppet spokesperson, and they claimed that this was not about keeping them out but taking them in safely. Mendoza claims Chicago “continues to welcome asylum-seekers, but the city cannot safely and efficiently shelter migrants when bus companies, contracted by the State of Texas, flagrantly violate all safety measures that the city has put in place.”
Now they can only arrive between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and they have capped the number of bus arrivals at two per hour. In order to even do that though, they need to register with city hall and seek permission to even enter the city. There is no explanation for how or why they could be denied; these approvals are dealt out on a whim. If you are caught violating the rules, the city wants to cease the bus and fine the company a minimum of $3,000 per bus.
Done as the city claims, they cannot provide for people without these restrictions, they are only encouraging other routes of transportation. Given the number of planes that have flown illegals to their new homes, the city could end up being inundated by them or even by boats bringing them from neighboring states. In the end, this isn’t an answer; it’s just another liberal-pushed cash grab, and the taxpayers are providing all the tools.