Senate Unveils $95 Billion Gift Basket for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan – Border Security...
In an eye-rolling turn of events, the Senate, undeterred by conservative opposition, has taken a bold step forward with a $95.3 billion foreign aid...
Watch: Guardian Angels Beat the Crap out of Illegal Alien Shoplifter During Live Hannity...
Crime in Democrat-controlled cities is now so rampant that it’s degrading the quality of life for everyone who lives there. You can’t turn around...
Iran Going Nuclear Yet Again and Still Biden Does Nothing
The threat of Iran becoming a fully nuclear-capable nation has had the US and other nations consistently concerned for the last 40 years. Now,...
T-Swift Big Mad People Are Following Her Travel Habits
Taylor Swift has already had a big 2024. With tour dates already sold out across the globe, her massive surge in (unwanted) face time...
Schumer Draws Line in the Sand; Pay Off Ukraine or Put Boots on the...
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has made fear-mongering his life’s mission. Appearing on MSNBC on February 5th, he looked to spread more of it for...
Washington Pays for Illegals With COVID Cash
A new report from the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC) shows the state of Washington used funds administered by the Coronavirus State and Local...
The Nickname Young People Have for Biden is a Big Problem for Him
By now, it’s no secret that the entire Democratic Party is a fraud, just like their leader, President Joe Biden. And it’s a secret...
Joe Biden’s Alleged Rape Victim Who Fled the Country Sues the FBI
Remember Tara Reade? There’s been a media blackout on her for years, but she is the woman who alleges that she was raped by...
Squad Members Take Cue From Biden and Start Talking Out Both Sides of Their...
On January 31st, the House of Representatives held a vote on the “No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act.” If enacted, this would block...
North Korea’s Kim Developing Submarine Missiles, How Worried Do We Need To Be?
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was heralded by North Korean media on January 29th for his direct oversight of the development of a...