Trump Flips the Script on His Mug Shot

Gary Varvel /
Gary Varvel /

When you think of a mug shot, the result is rarely positive. The very phrase usually indicates a wrong done or a bad act caught and punished. And yet, when it comes to former President Donald Trump, a mug shot just made him even more popular.

If you haven’t heard, Trump turned himself into Georgia authorities on Thursday, the day following the GOP debates he refused to participate in, for his so-called and alleged crimes in the state – namely that he questioned the 2020 election results. As usual, the political left did all they could to paint this a bad day for Trump, releasing his mug shot to the public almost immediately.

Naturally, the release was supposed to bring some sort of shame or guilt upon the 45th president, making it less likely, if not impossible, that he could win either the GOP nomination or the presidency in 2024.

However, as donation data proves, quite the opposite happened.

Politico said over $7.1 million in campaign donations were made to Trump due to his newly released mug shot – and all within just a few days.

Breaking it down even further, a whopping $4.18 million was raised just in the first 24 hours of the photo’s release.

Politico reported that this is the most he’s ever raised in such a short period. And if that wasn’t enough, millions more were made by the Trump campaign within the same time frame from merchandise sales, including coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc., all emblazoned with the now-famous mug shot.

As I said, I doubt this was the reaction the left hoped or planned for.

It’s also noted that, unlike most politicians, most of Trump’s donors aren’t those from the upper echelon of society, handing over thousands at a time. Instead, as NBC points out, most of Trump’s donations come from “small donors” giving $100 or less at a time.

In fact, he’s added 400,000 more small donors to his list just since June, when most of this indictment stuff really started gearing up.

Again, this is not what the Democrats had in mind…