Joe Biden’s inner circle of advisors is threatening to “beat the sh*t out” of any White House staffers who leak to the press about the true state of his dementia. Ever since the June debate disaster against President Trump, the entire world has realized that Joe Biden’s mental state is about as useful as a bag of celery. The greedy and power-hungry members of Biden’s inner circle are unwilling to give up power after the 2024 election. Many low-level Biden staffers, however, are depressed over their boss’s declining condition and want the world to know just how bad his mental state truly is.
The White House and the Biden campaign are trying to continue the fake narrative that Joe Biden is as fit as a fiddle and he does skateboard tricks just out of the sight of reporters’ cameras and oh, you just missed it! No one believes this is true, but Team Biden continues to insist that it is. Joe Biden now wears ridiculous shoes to help prevent him from randomly falling over. He’s always surrounded by a team of advisors who walk next to him so no one will notice how weird and unsteady he looks when he tries to walk.
CNN reporter MJ Lee revealed the threats that Biden’s advisors are levying against any White House staffers who might leak the truth of Biden’s decline to the press.
“Everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary views, they call everyone, and they beat the sh*t out of them and say stay on message,” Lee told Jake Tapper.
Of course, everything that CNN or MSNBC reports these days must be weighed to determine whether they’re lying to us. Given the years of violent tendencies that Joe Biden himself has displayed, we’re tempted to rate this story as 100% factual.
Joe Biden’s alleged rape victim Tara Reade, for example, now lives in Russia because of credible death threats from the Biden White House. That’s no small thing. Ms. Reade was set to testify before Congress about Joe Biden’s vicious alleged sex attack against her in the 1990s when she was warned by a sitting Member of Congress (Rep. Matt Gaetz) that her life was in danger.
Team Biden has also been willing to use violence against peaceful January 6 protesters and abortion opponents. The Biden regime had the FBI send in tanks and black helicopters to arrest a single mom in her garden outside her trailer in Arizona for the “crime” of walking into the US Capitol for about 60 seconds on January 6th. An elderly and crippled Trump supporter was shot in the face and killed by the FBI last year in Utah for posting rude statements about Biden on Facebook.
Even more recently, the White House failed in a childishly transparent effort to assassinate Donald Trump in Butler, PA. If Biden’s inner circle is willing to commit murder to stay in power, it shouldn’t surprise us that they are threatening low-level staffers with beatings if they speak out of turn about Joe’s extreme dementia.
Here is the surreal report from CNN in which reporter MJ Lee asserts that Team Biden is threatening violence against staffers who don’t keep their mouths shut:
Weird one… CNN reports that a prominent Democrat has claimed Biden’s advisors have threatened White House staffers, saying they will “beat the shit out” of anyone who says anything about Biden’s health that runs contrary to their narrative. Full report:
— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) July 12, 2024