Poll: Squad Member’s Primary Opponent Has Massive Lead

Shala W. Graham / shutterstock.com
Shala W. Graham / shutterstock.com

Just about everyone knows that polls don’t always mean much during an election year. But they also don’t mean nothing.

And for one squad member, it could be the beginning of the end.

If you know much about Missouri liberal and Representative Cori Bush, you likely understand that, like most of her “squad” counterparts, she doesn’t have much in the way of brains, common sense, or living what she preaches.

And apparently, the people have taken notice.

As the New York Post reported, one recent poll says that Missouri voters chose her primary challenger and Democrat Wesley Bell to her, and by a lot. In fact, Bush is down some 22 points to Bell in the Remington Research poll.

According to the poll, Bell, the prosecuting attorney for St. Louis County, amassed around 50 percent of the survey’s 401 likely Missouri primary voters for 2024.

Bush only received 28 percent of the vote. Also in the running is former Missouri state Representative Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who received four percent. The other 18 percent of voters were undecided. But even if all those undecided votes went to Bush, it wouldn’t be enough to make her win.

Now, as I said, polls don’t always mean a whole lot.

However, it’s not a good sign in the least for Bush, especially after the controversial year she’s had.

You might remember that, as a squad member, she’s been rather outspoken about her complete support of Hamas and terrorism over Israel.

As editor-in-chief of Jewish Insider, Josh Kraushaar, wrote, the poll leaning against Bush is more proof that “pandering to the left-wing radicalism on Israel in the Dem party is a counterproductive strategy for Biden.”

Of course, this isn’t the only reason voters are increasingly unhappy with Bush.

I mean, this is the same woman who has spouted the need to “defund the police” for years now, only for it to be found that she’s been paying her now-husband hundreds of thousands each year for private security ā€“ and using taxpayer money to do it.

Needless to say, she’s not winning over the public with her extreme leftism or policies. And this poll shows it.