Biden’s Impeachment Moves Forward

Vitalii Vodolazskyi /
Vitalii Vodolazskyi /

On December 13th, a 14-page resolution from Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) came back with a 221-212 vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson announced the planned vote earlier in the evening and was exceptionally confident the resolution would pass.

Following the successful vote, Johnson, along with Reps. Steve Scalise of LA, Elise Stefanik of NY, and Majority Whip Tom Emmer of MN released a joint statement. “Today, the House took a critical step in our investigation into serious matters involving President Joe Biden by formally opening an impeachment inquiry. As President Biden continues to stonewall lawful Congressional subpoenas, today’s vote of the full House of Representatives authorizing the inquiry puts us in the strongest position to enforce these subpoenas in court.”

In a statement preceding the resolution’s vote, Armstrong summed up how we got there as a nation in the first place. Citing the Biden administration’s refusal to cooperate with their inquiries and blocking them from getting any evidence, he made his case. Given how much dastardly information has been uncovered, even with Biden resisting the investigation, Armstrong and others want Biden to face full scrutiny for these accusations.

Specifically, he focused a good bit on the funds Biden and his family have received because of his making it into office.

“The Biden family and associates received more than $24 million from foreign nationals. Joe Biden received $200,000 from his brother, James Biden, the same day James received a $200,000 loan from a failing rural hospital operator. Joe Biden also received $40,000 in laundered Chinese money from his brother and sister-in-law. It’s become clear that the Biden family sold influence around the world using Joe Biden’s name as the product. An investigation in any jurisdiction around the country would move forward if it had these facts.”

As he concluded, a vote to move forward with this inquiry would be the best way to answer for these crimes and to address the mountains of evidence that exist to support charges.

Now the process to thoroughly investigate Biden will begin. Likely not to be a short investigation, the months-long process will undoubtedly cause some headaches for Biden in the future for his re-election hopes.  For now, though, the three Republican-led House committees will be hard at work investigating Biden. Should they find enough evidence, a full house vote will take place.

Then, if the majority votes to impeach Biden, the evidence will be presented to the Senate, and a full trial will be held. If convicted, then he would be removed from office.

A long and daunting process, as Bill Clinton showed much of America; the process takes a long time, and the American people are happy to see the process through.

For Biden, the timing is less than ideal. Sinking consistently in the polls, this is not a revelation that will make many willing to suddenly support him. If anything, this could give moderates another reason to look into voting conservatively. As the 2024 presidential election draws closer, Biden has been doubling down on his statements to make Trump sound like a convicted criminal; despite only ever being charged.

Justice in its truest form for the American people is somewhat of a longshot. To many, that would look like both Joe and Hunter having to face the evidence of their wrongdoing. And for both Bidens to admit openly what they did. And how they took advantage of the American people and sold out Joe’s office. Ultimately, they should face jail time, not to mention paying restitution to the nation for the billions (if not trillions) the duo and their shell companies ran through and laundered.

Should Biden be convicted, it could open the door for Pelosi and others who are widely known to be guilty of insider trading to face the music for their crimes. Opening up those bank books would likely uncover so many crimes that it would destroy the entire Democratic party. Nothing like watching the leftist establishment burn.