For decades, Microsoft has been sneaking things by the American people and thinking that they are slick for doing so. While many have simply let it slide as it doesn’t impact them in a way they are aware of, Microsoft’s latest hiding game involving racism should alarm all of us.
Releasing their 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report, they highlight a program they have titled “pay equity agenda.” Under this agenda, non-whites receive an average of $1.007 for every $1 whites are paid. Breaking it down further, Black and Hispanic employees receive $1.004, with Asian employees getting $1.012 across matching job titles, levels, and tenure. In this figure, they have accounted for all levels of pay, including salary, bonuses, and stock awards for the year.

With Microsoft reporting 96.7% of their employee base claiming some level of “allyship” it makes sense that they would be playing the racially motivated card.
They have been feeling shame and white guilt for their strong Caucasian male background, and they believe this is their way of making things right. Not realizing that success doesn’t mean you have to be ashamed of something you have no control over. Microsoft is a company that owes no apologies to anyone, despite what liberals might have to say on the matter. Yet they still take these weak steps towards a woke ideology to appease people who are just screeching for racism to come back in full force.
Discriminating against or paying someone less simply because they are white is just the same as if you paid differently if they were a man. Oh, wait a minute…Microsoft is doing that, too. As this graphic also shows, the average woman receives $1.007 for every $1 a man gets in the US and $1.003 outside our borders. Again, this is discrimination of the highest order, and yet, because they are white men, they are expected to take it.
When are we going to say enough is enough?