May is National Military Appreciation Month, or simply Military Appreciation Month, in America. Every year since 1999, Americans have used the month of May to reflect on and honor the sacrifices of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and all current and former military personnel. We all know that morale in the US military has never been lower than it is right now with Joe Biden in charge. Here are some ways you can help reach out to and support active troops and veterans this month.
Send a Deployed Soldier a Care Package: People can send care packages to deployed soldiers anytime. There are many legitimate non-profit organizations across the country that help to organize the sending of care packages overseas. You can find a list of orgs that have been vetted and are approved by the Department of Defense HERE.
Visit a Veteran You Know: Almost everyone has a direct family member who has served in the military or knows someone who has. Pay a visit to them at some point this month and remember to thank them. If you can’t visit them in person, phone calls are nice, too!
Help the National Memorial Day Parade in DC: The largest Memorial Day Parade is happening in Washington, DC again this year. Actor Gary Sinise, who has done tremendous work for veterans for decades, is this year’s honorary Grand Marshal once again. Even if you can’t make it to DC in person to watch the parade, you can still contribute to the parade HERE. Plus, don’t forget to attend your own local Memorial Day Parade in your community.
The military has really taken a hit under the lack of leadership it is experiencing right now. That’s not the fault of the troops, but of the terrible people in charge! The troops still need and appreciate our support, so we should not forget that!