Chelsea Clinton Tries Normalizing Porn Targeted to Kids as a Part of the LGBTQ Agenda

a katz /
a katz /

Chelsea Clinton is a lot like both of her parents, mostly when she chooses to speak up on issues the whole nation is already well aware of, and being on the wrong side of the issue when the time comes. This time, she wants to tackle the issue of books that depict children in pornographic situations that are being called pieces of pro-LGBTQ educational material.

In her words “over 50% of the attempted book bans last year involved books with LGBTQ+ characters & themes. Books are a vital way that children, adolescents, and adults learn about themselves and our world. Bans such as these are nothing but harmful.” This kind of mindset is incredibly harmful to our children, but they are not ready for that conversation.

Clinton goes on to reference a piece from NBC that heavily cites Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, and her argument that the list of books being banned is explicitly targeted at the LGBTQ community and sends a message that they don’t belong.

Her interpretation of the message is incredibly jaded and self-centered. This pushback against these books is not being done to try and leave the LGTBQ community out of libraries. Instead, it’s designed to prevent the child grooming pedophilia that these books lay the pathway for. Youngsters looking for their way in life will find all sorts of imaginative and unusual ways to figure out the answers. A massive part of life is learning about yourself through the journey for answers.

Giving these books as a roadmap sets a dangerous precedent as they are incredibly graphic in both their journalistic and drawings of explicit child porn and sexual experiences. Given the way, some of these stories push gay and lesbian experimentation as something not only “normal” but also encouraging it as something everyone should do is dangerous. Placing that experimentation with adults however is something that goes past dangerous and into criminal territory.

For Chelsea Clinton, she grew up not only living in the same house where her daddy had numerous affairs while she was just rooms away but she also was forced to smile and interreact with the same women who had just finished servicing her father or acting as his personal humidor. It’s no wonder she has a very warped and inaccurate moral compass and also begs the question of what happened to her. Given the company her parents kept, it’s likely a lot.

In response to her promotion of this smut, many good conservative voices came out to counter her screams for porn.

Conservative journalist Chad Greene nailed the problem with her push for the books squarely on the head. “The photo on the article you’re quoting features a book with explicit illustrations of sex acts, a book about incest, one a sex story about two 10-year-old boys, one about a man raping and isolating a 12-year-old girl, one about a teen girl who seduces a man who kidnaps her…”

This kind of problem isn’t anything new. While books have been banned for some odd and unusual reasons over the years, these are some of the first with directly proven and reasonable reasons for keeping them away from kids. The debate of teaching kids about how to deal with certain situations is a tough one, but this is one area that they don’t need a hand-drawn map to navigate. They don’t need someone encouraging them to lose their innocence any faster than necessary.

It’s bad enough that we as a society are raising children in such a horrific time in our nation’s history. With the polarizing political climate, horrible inflation, and the liberal agenda being put into action, we need to rebel against this as hard as we possibly can. The country needs a big change, and books like this are launching us into a change that will easily topple our nation in no time. The worst part of all of this is nobody is even offering us an egg in this trying time.